How to choose a magnetic pump?

How to choose a magnetic pump is a problem that has been bothering everyone. Today, Tenglong Xiaobian will talk about how to choose a magnetic pump. The magnetic pump should be selected according to the nature of the company’s production equipment, its own situation and the allowed conditions.

First: Select the type according to the nature of the conveying medium.

The performance of the conveying medium directly affects the performance, material and structure of the pump, and is one of the important factors that must be considered when selecting. Its physical and chemical properties include: medium name, medium properties (such as corrosiveness, abrasiveness, etc.), solid phase particle content, particle size, density, viscosity, evaporation pressure, etc. If necessary, the gas content in the medium should also be listed, indicating whether it is easy to crystallize, etc.

Second: according to the production process parameters to choose.

(1) Flow rate Q The flow rate refers to the amount of medium required by the pump during the production of the process device. Usually only normal flow and rated flow are listed on the pump data sheet. When selecting the model, the rated flow of the magnetic pump is required to be not less than the limit flow of the device, or 1.1 to 1.15 times the normal flow.

(2) Head H refers to the head value required by the process device, also known as the calculated head. Usually, the rated head of the pump is required to be 1.05~1.1 times the head required by the equipment.

(3) Inlet pressure and outlet pressure refer to the inlet pressure and outlet pressure at the inlet and outlet flanges of the pump station. The size of the inlet and outlet pressure has an impact on the pressure resistance requirements of the casing and the shaft seal (isolation sleeve).

(4) Temperature T refers to the temperature of the medium at the inlet of the pump. Generally, the temperature range of the medium conveyed at the inlet of the magnetic pump should be given.

magnetic pump

(5) NPSHa device NPSH is also called effective NPSH.

(6) Running state Running state running is divided into two types: continuous running and intermittent running.

Third: Select the type according to the field conditions of the magnetic pump.

Magnetic pump field conditions include:

(1) Installation location (indoor, outdoor, highland, seaside);

(2) Ambient temperature;

(3) Relative humidity;

(4) Atmospheric pressure;

(5) Atmospheric corrosion;

(6) Classify hazardous areas.

Forth: according to the system pipeline layout selection.

The piping layout conditions of the system are: the height, distance and direction of the conveyed liquid, the range of the suction liquid level and other data, as well as the specifications of the pipes and their lengths, materials, specifications and quantities of pipe fittings, so as to calculate the system head and check the gas flow. profit margin.

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